Gary Proudlock, managing director
01737 762728 | | | |
Following two years with the Inland Revenue (now HM Revenue & Customs) and two years in industry, Gary joined a seven-partner firm in Dorking where he qualified as a Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) and progressed to a management role, in which he led a team advising owner-managed businesses and high net worth individuals.
In the late 1980s, Gary joined Binder Hamlyn, now part of BDO LLP, where he headed a team acting for small and medium-sized businesses and worked on assignments including serious Inland Revenue investigations, corporate reconstructions, management buyouts and corporate sales and acquisitions.
Gary joined Alfred Simmons and Co, a predecessor firm of Vista Audit and sister firm Vista Partners, in1994, and became tax and investment practice partner in 1995 before taking on his current role as managing director at Vista Partners.
To find out more about our Vista Audit’s services in Surrey, or to arrange a free, initial meeting, please contact us.
01737 762728